AMS Calibration
Calibration measurements (QAL2 / AST) with regard to the operator’s automatic measurement system (AMS) according to SS-EN 14181. Simpler forms of calibration measurements of AMS are also offered.
We help you with accredited QAL2 and AST
Metlab provides calibration measurements according to the European standard SS-EN 14181. The standard describes the quality assurance procedures that is required to ensure that automatic measurement systems (AMS) installed to measure emissions to air can meet the uncertainty requirements for measurement values given in the legislation.
The standard describes four stages of quality assurance: QAL1, QAL2, QAL3, and an annual check of the measurement system’s function, AST.

The procedure according to EN 14181:
Carried out to show that the automatic measuring system (AMS) is suitable for the intended purpose before installation, by meeting the required performance standards and uncertainty requirements specified in EU directives.
QAL2 (Metlab)
QAL2 The automatic measuring system is installed and function checked, after which Metlab takes parallel samples with standard reference methods (SRM) over a three-day period. After evaluating the measurement data, Metlab develops a calibration function that is entered into the AMS. After completing QAL2, annual AST measurements follow to check the validity of the calibration function over time. Every 5 years, a new QAL2 must be performed.
A procedure for maintaining and demonstrating the required quality of AMS during its normal operation by checking the zero and span readings.
AST (Metlab)
AST or Annual Surveillance Test is a process performed once a year after QAL2 to demonstrate that the calibration function developed in the previous QAL2 is still valid. The measurements last for one day.