Accredited calibration of dry gas meters
METLAB can now offer calibration of gas meters as an accredited calibration laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025. The calibrations thus have full validity also for customers whose quality system requires that the calibrations be performed by an accredited calibration laboratory, for example for accredited testing laboratories. Accredited calibration is offered both upon delivery of new […]
METLAB can now offer calibration of gas meters as an accredited calibration laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025. The calibrations thus have full validity also for customers whose quality system requires that the calibrations be performed by an accredited calibration laboratory, for example for accredited testing laboratories. Accredited calibration is offered both upon delivery of new sampling equipment and in connection with regularly recurring calibration and functional testing or in connection with repairs. Calibration is also carried out on individual gas meters, such as reference gas meters.
Please contact Erik Berger regarding prices and technical questions:
erik.berger@metlab.se or tel 010-155 0565.